Monday, December 1, 2014


It's not like I did not know it was coming, right around the corner as a matter of fact, but it does not make it any less shocking. Usually we have a good wallop of winter to cushion the blow of it being : DECEMBER. Not this year, just bam! eat turkey and then it's here. All the major weather was to the west - Mendon proper has had no more than an inch or so ( and yes, I know, I just jinxed us bit time, I'll wake up to a foot ...)

Since time has pretty much decided to just have no meaning at all anymore, I am more happy than ever that I have kept up with my " little art project " of the k+b. If things are going to just go by at light speed, at least I have a recored of what all we have been doing, as boring as it must seem to all of you guys, it is exactly what I like.

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