Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Well, we came home yesterday.

After a morning and early afternoon spent in the hospital, with all sorts of time spent telling us what to do once we got there - Neil got to come home around 2:00. ( I think , time got a little fuzzy ) .  A somewhat of a bumpy night but much better by morning AND ( and! and! and! ) I got a full nights sleep - which just changes my entire outlook on life.

We are not 100% out of the woods all together yet, but the very nice surgeon ( who called us at like 10:30 last night to check in on us, see how things were on our fist night ) tells us he thinks we have nothing to worry about. We go see our regular doctor in the am for a little wound care / dressing work.

It was wait wait wait for five months and then over in the blink of a sleepless eye. 

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